
We use cookies to improve your site experience, to assess content usage and to support the marketing of our services. We want to be completely transparent about the cookies we use and to make their control as easy as possible for you.

Our cookies are sorted into five categories, represented by five sections. Each section will show a summary, and can be expanded for more detail.

You can also download a document containing the detail of all the cookies we use.

Necessary cookies - 19 found

These cookies are important to the underlying operation of the website, supporting important functionality such as shopping baskets and the technical operation of the website to ensure it performs how you would expect.

Name of cookieExpiry periodPurposeCompany


These cookies are used in the management of the site and include customer surveys, recording visitor numbers and other web analytics. Limited identifiable data may be collected.

Name of cookieExpiry periodPurposeCompany


These cookies are used to track our visitors across our websites. They can be used to build up a profile of search and/or browsing history for every visitor. Identifiable or unique data may be collected. Anonymized data may be shared with third parties.

Name of cookieExpiry periodPurposeCompany

Download cookie information

From the links below, you can download an information guide on managing cookies, the exact detail of all the cookies for review offline and see the latest audit status.